Craig Major, Our Very Own Startup Coach

Craig Major is an entrepreneur, a startup coach, founder of TorontoStarts, and a longtime Workhaus member. Every week, TorontoStarts puts on startup coaching sessions to […]

What's Happening in The Haus?

Craig Major is an entrepreneur, a startup coach, founder of TorontoStarts, and a longtime Workhaus member. Every week, TorontoStarts puts on startup coaching sessions to discuss techniques, workshops and crash course lessons all entrepreneurs should have under their belts.  

Craig has a pretty impressive background, if we do say so ourselves. Here’s just a couple of things he’s known for: He was the youngest Senior Manager at Deloitte, the youngest Senior Manager at Touché, and was a Program Director at Bell Mobility. What did we say? The man knows his stuff.  Craig isn’t your average startup coach either; he’s got multiple programs spread out across various platforms to ensure he tackles what’s right for you.

These programs can typically be found right here at Workhaus, so why not celebrate the successful achievement of our own community? TorontoStarts creates startup workshops to tackle topics such as social media, law, marketing & sales, as well as PR.

First things first, once you’ve come up with an idea, it’s important to validate it. You may like your idea, but will others? Will customers buy it? These are the questions TorontoStarts helps you ask to get up and running.

It doesn’t end there, TorontoStarts hosts coaching consultations, SEO and growth hacking courses, and an 8-week startup launch accelerator program.

Craig is very active in the startup community as well. TorontoStarts engages in conferences and panel discussions with the Toronto Cryptocurrency Community. They’ve created a Dragon’s Den style pitching panel to discuss your latest idea.

Craig also likes to host monthly social meetups for like-minded entrepreneurs to network, pitch, drink, and to simply enjoy each others company. Well… he is a Workhaus member after all. Socials are in our blood.

Upcoming Events

  • June 12 – Startup Drinks Open Pitch Open Bar
  • June 18 – Business Canvas Workshop
  • June 25 – Marketing & PR Workshop
  • July 2 – Social Media Workshop

Visit TorontoStarts for more information.

Photo courtesy of TorontoStarts